CalWin Mercantile consists of a collection of modules that simplify administrative and commercial routines and make them more efficient. The various modules use data that has already been registered in CalWin or generated by it, so that invoicing and transfer to the accounts happens in a controlled and automated way.
CalWin gives you maximum oversight and control. All information is easily accessible in the form of statistics and summaries, generally designed according to your wishes. All deliveries are invoiced directly in CalWin, using ordinary invoices, EDI invoices or email-invoices. All documents that are generated in CalWin Mercantile are saved with a link to a customer, project or contact so that the requirements for easy retrieval and subsequent re-use are met in full.
The functions in CalWin Mercantile mean that the need for a large and heavyweight accounting system falls away, as there are only simple accounting and subsidiary ledger functions that are not supported in CalWin. Customer balances are exchanged with the accounting system and credit limits are monitored in CalWin. Deviations can be registered in the DEVIATION MANAGEMENT module, whether they arise in administration, production or during shipping. Charting and systemizing the reason and circumstances contributes to reducing the number of deviations and consequently to quicker and more dependable handling of all processes in the company.
CalWin Mercantile ensures you have oversight and control!
CalWin Invoice
CalWin Invoice is a complete invoicing module and has all the functions and facilities expected of a good invoicing solution. Because the basis for invoicing is already present in CalWin, the result is a particularly efficient, laborsaving and secure invoicing package. The module has all the necessary functionality to cover all invoicing and credit note eventualities, such as ordinary invoicing of items delivered, partial invoicing, group invoicing etc.
As well as being linked to a customer, all invoices may also be linked to projects or groups of companies. They are easily accessible for future reference, for use by the sales department and for formal follow up.
The CalWin Invoice module is capable of replacing other invoicing systems. When invoicing is carried out in CalWin, which already contains all the background information, the need for corresponding functionality in the accounting system is reduced and most CalWin customers are able to use a simpler and cheaper financial system than would otherwise have been necessary.
- Invoicing of delivered or part-delivered orders
- “Wait until completely delivered” function
- On account invoicing
- Credit notes
- Payment information for customers
- Electronic archiving of all outgoing invoices
- Invoice journals and summaries
- Integration to Accounting Systems
CalWin EDI Invoice
More and more of our customers have received requests to send their invoices electronically to their customers. The invoice is delivered electronically directly, or via third party message partner, to the recipient’s purchase or ERP system. In that, manual procedures are avoided.
As well as ensuring rapid dispatch and receipt, which saves work and time at several points in the chain, this also provides maximum security against errors. CalWin Electronic Invoicing uses the EDI architecture in CalWin and therefore is total open for any required data format. This brings electronic invoicing to all in the industry who require it, right now. If new formats are needed, it is easy to adapt and can be done outside CalWin by standard off the shelf software systems (XML mapping).
CalWin Invoicing must be installed if CalWin Electronic Invoicing is to be used.
- Define an unlimited number of EDI profiles
- An EDI profiles determine data format and the communication
- When a customer is assigned an EDI profile, it will automatically receive electronic the next time the invoicing procedure is run
- The data file sent will be archived and available for later reference on the invoice
CalWin Factoring
CalWin Factoring has all the necessary functionality for managing factoring cooperation between producer and factoring. It is easy to initiate module, thereby gaining access to all the necessary functionality to transfer invoice transactions to factoring company, as well as prints and control procedures for monitoring and documenting transactions.
Customer Balance can be received and read into CalWin for balance and credit control.
Use of CalWin Factoring requires that CalWin Invoice is installed.
- Outlays of transaction file for transfer to the factoring company
- Journal printing and checklists
- Receipt of customer balances of factoring
CalWin Deviation Management
Deviations may arise in any organization, manufacturing process, procedure or routine. Some deviations do not necessarily have significant consequences, while others may lead to large losses or inconvenience in the form of delays and financial loss. Frequent large deviations can be very expensive and it is therefore important to prevent them from happening.
CalWin Deviation Management is a flexible tool for recording all forms of deviation in production and administration. The deviation module can largely be adapted to individual wishes and needs. It can carry out dependable and effective recording of deviations, which in turn can also contribute to improvements and efficiency gains.
When entered, a deviation record may include the reason, plus suggestions for measures to prevent the deviation happening again. Systematic recording and follow up of deviations avoids delay for both the manufacturer and customers. The manufacturer can make great savings and avoid large extra costs by systematically recording deviations. Better and more professional customer service is achieved at the same time.
- Record deviations either in production via the Checkpoint module or directly in the Deviation module
- Analysis tool, with pivot functionality for easy reporting and analysis
- Integration to Warranty orders
- Print deviation reports
CalWin Integration to Accounting
CalWin administers the transfer of invoice journals to external accounting systems. The functionality can be used together with our two “INVOICE”-modules.
The data transferred are the subsidiary ledger postings (applies to both sales and purchase ledgers), general ledger totals in accordance with account links controlled by CalWin and account information for customers and suppliers. CalWin prints out invoice journals and other documents to record the transfer formally.
As manual updating of customers and suppliers only takes place in CalWin, time is saved and the risk of error is eliminated.
- Transfer of invoice journals to general ledger, including Value Added Tax and subsidiary ledger postings
- Transfer of Costumer information
- Printout of postings journal with specifications
- Possibility for receipt of balance information on from accounting system back to CalWin (requires CalWin Server + CalWin Agent)
- All updating of account information takes place in CalWin and the same information is duplicated in the financial system
- A simpler and cheaper financial system may be used because all heavy functions are carried out in CalWin
- Full overview in CalWin over invoiced items and transferred transactions